January 29, 2007

Sad News

Mary Wilson died in the presence of her family last night around 9pm after fighting with numerous health issues for the past few years. I hope that her sons and daughters can take some comfort from the fact that so many of our relatives visited during the past week. I think the packed parking lot at the top of the hill says a lot about what our extended family is all about.

If you see this post, feel free to add a comment to it or send me an email in which you share a memory or quality that you respected about Mary. I will then roll those remarks into this post. I will get this started below.

  1. I feel that Aunt Mary's greatest legacy is evident in how tightly knit the Wilson family is, and how easily they accept the rest of us into the fold just as a matter of course. As an only child with health issues in my branch of the family, it would be easy to be left out of most family events just due to my unusual circumstances, but that has never been the case with the Wilson crew. Whether they're just having a low-key cookout or a holiday event, I know I'll always be able to drop by whenever I am feeling up to it. Additionally, one or more of her children would be down fairly regularly just to help out with something or to visit. I know most families are like this, but the atmosphere surrounding the Wilson clan is so inviting and close-knit that I feel it is worthy of praise.

  2. Andy,

    Thank you so much for the comments about Mom. She was clearly the binding that has held our family together. Her commitment to family was unparalleled, extending well beyond the Wilson clan. We are extremely blessed to have such warm and wonderful relatives to share in the laughter and sorrows of life. Thank you for providing the forum to express our thoughts.

  3. I loved Aunt Mary for her outspoken nature,sense of humor and her love of the whole family. I always felt welcome in her home. She was quick to serve up some macaroni salad and roast beef. She would even try to feed the ten or so friends, who just wanted to use the bathroom after boating. She would always take time to help me with my many problems at the MVA. I'm sure I would be walking now without all of her help. I picture all of the Flahavan's, Uncle Will, Uncle Walter, and Marty Corry welcoming her to heaven, and waiting patiently to get a word in...well, maybe not patiently...she will be missed.

  4. It hasn't hit me full force yet. I think in the spring when I go out to yell across the way, it'll sink in. We've all lost something here.

Posted by Andy at January 29, 2007 12:42 PM to the News category
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