December 01, 2004

Microsoft Needs to Work Harder

After installing Windows as mentioned in one of my recent posts, I used Windows Update to get Service Pack 2. Service Pack 2 is the next big thing for Windows, and is supposed to add all kinds of security features and the like. In any case, I updated, and things worked ok for a day, but when I booted up today my computer stopped responding inexplicably. I checked around and discovered the only real solution was to repair or re-install. I didn't want to have to rebuild my contacts list from scratch all over again (thank you Microsoft), so I rebuilt, which worked. When I updated with all the critical updates and Service Pack 2 again, I encountered the same problem, only this time right away after restarting. I rebuilt my Windows installation again, and now refuse to update to Service Pack 2. The problem is, before long SP 2 will be requirement, and I'll have to take a big risk once more. I'm not well enough to handle the shoddy work Microsoft puts out clearly, but I'll have to put everything on hold and troubleshoot Windows until I fix this impending problem.

Posted by Andy at December 1, 2004 02:13 AM to the Computers category
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